Mohawk's Environmental Program Attributes


Mohawk supports the use of non-polluting wind-generated electricity through the purchase of Green-e certified Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from windpower projects. Today, 100% of the electricity used in Mohawk’s operations is matched with RECs.


FSC® Attribution
The mission of the Forest Stewardship Council® is to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically prosperous management of the world’s forests. Mohawk grades that carry the FSC-certified designation meet the strict standards set forth by FSC and are certified by Preferred by Nature.  License Code: FSC® C002350.


Green-e certifies environmental commodities and products that mitigate climate change and help build a sustainable energy future. Green-e verifies that the RECs Mohawk purchases come from Green-e certified windpower projects, thereby ensuring that the RECs meet strict environmental and consumer protection standards. 



Elemental Chlorine Free. These papers are made from virgin fiber that is bleached using alternative chlorine compounds as a substitute for elemental chlorine. Eliminating elemental chlorine reduces harmful by-products.  Mohawk only sources ECF virgin fiber pulps.


Process Chlorine Free. These papers contain post-consumer recycled fiber that was processed without the use of any additional chlorine or chlorine compounds. If these papers also contain virgin fiber, the virgin fiber must have been processed without the use of any chlorine or chlorine compounds.  (In other words, the virgin fiber component must be TCF, Totally Chlorine Free.)  Mohawk only sources PCF post-consumer recycled fiber pulps.


Environmental Certifications (ZIP)

Renewable Energy Certificates

FSC Reference Guide | Coming Soon!

Mohawk and Green-e

FSC Core Labor Requirements July 2024